Landscape Photography - Online Webinar

Landscape Webinar - May 3rd - 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Want to get better at photographing landscapes? Then join Cam and Seng for an unforgettable evening of romantic... I mean landscape photography tips and techniques. It's a great way to learn new landscape skills and get your questions answered!

Landscape is one of the most popular genres in photography, which is hardly surprising as it gets us out there in great light, beautiful locations and doing what we love best. But there are so many ways to shoot and craft great landscape images, and now you have full access to two landscape photographers who are willing and able to share all they know about shooting landscapes with you!

This interactive phoTALKgraphy session is all about landscape photography: Cam and Seng will share with you their approaches and techniques for shooting a range of landscapes -- from waterfalls, seascapes, mountains, astro, the southern aurora and more. We will also cover the tools of the trade -- including when to and when not to use a wide angle lens, what the best filters to use are, and the best camera settings for shooting landscapes (and why).

If you enjoy landscapes and can't wait to get out there once travel restrictions lift to shoot beautiful landscapes, then join Cam and Seng for an evening of learning and laughter as we share with you our love for landscape photography and show you how to become better at it!

This is also a Q&A session, so we welcome your questions to help consolidate your own learning. The session is also recorded and you will be sent a link to view it after the event.

This webinar is limited to 40 participants, so if you're keen to join, please grab a ticket ASAP!

We will be using Zoom (an online meeting/conferencing/sharing tool). On Friday before the session, you will receive an email with a link to access the Zoom online meeting where this session will take place. Please log into Zoom by 7.00pm (AWST) in case we need to iron out any technical issues in your use of the Zoom interface.

If you have not used Zoom before, please login about 5-10 minutes earlier so that you can install Zoom on your computer once you have clicked the link (it's easy and automated - just follow the on-screen instructions).


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